Ampersand entities

Hi all

How can I convert from utf-8 to HMTL ampersand entities and from HTML
ampersand entities to utf-8 (I’m searching it a lot but I can found it)?

Thanks in advance

Miquel (a.k.a. Ton)
Linux User #286784
GPG Key : 4D91EF7F
Debian GNU/Linux (Linux Wolverine 2.6.14)

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Miquel O. wrote:

Hi all

How can I convert from utf-8 to HMTL ampersand entities and from HTML
ampersand entities to utf-8 (I’m searching it a lot but I can found it)?

Thanks in advance

iconv from UTF8 to UTF16, add up the two bytes, pray it wasn’t a
surrogate pair, and convert to hex?

David V.

On 11/13/06, Miquel O. [email protected] wrote:

Hi all

How can I convert from utf-8 to HMTL ampersand entities and from HTML
ampersand entities to utf-8 (I’m searching it a lot but I can found it)?

Thanks in advance

UTF-8 to HTML convertion is trivial.
HTML to UTF-8 is almost trivial, you just need to decide the set of
supported &-entities. This example handles only &#xHEX; and &,
but it should be obvious how to extend it to other entities (if you
want to do so).

class String
def utf8_to_html
gsub(/([^\000-\177])|(&)/u) {
if $2
sprintf(“&#x%x;”, $1.unpack(“U”)[0])
def html_to_utf8
gsub(/&(?:#x([0-9a-fA-F]+)|(amp));/) {
if $2
[$1.hex].pack “U”


Try this:

str = ‘äñÇá耒
str.unpack(“U*”).collect { |s| (s > 127 ? “&##{s};” : s.chr) }.join(“”)

Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to the amount of work, I usually need 10 days to answer)

Quoting Miquel O. [email protected]:

Thanks to everybody. I will try your answers tonight at home.


On Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:18:44 +0900
“Tomasz W.” [email protected] wrote:

HTML to UTF-8 is almost trivial, you just need to decide the set of
sprintf(“&#x%x;”, $1.unpack(“U”)[0])

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