amalgalite version 0.4.1 has been released.
gem install amalgalite
Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine in a ruby extension. There
is no
need to install SQLite separately.
Look in the examples/ directory to see
- general usage
- blob io
- schema information
Also Scroll through Amalgalite::Database for a quick example, and a
overview of the API.
{{ Release notes for Version 0.4.1 }}
=== Minor Enhancement
- update to SQLite3 version 3.6.3
- change rdoc template to darkfish
Jeremy H. [email protected] wrote:
amalgalite version 0.4.1 has been released.
gem install amalgalite
Some of the links on the website are broken now that you switched to
darkfish, which uses a different directory structure.
On Tue, Sep 30, 2008 at 06:09:05AM +0900, Ken B. wrote:
Jeremy H. [email protected] wrote:
amalgalite version 0.4.1 has been released.
gem install amalgalite
Some of the links on the website are broken now that you switched to
darkfish, which uses a different directory structure.
Yup, I know about it and already reported it Michael. He’s working on
I’ve updated the rdoc on rubyforge to the old template.