Amalgalite 0.15.0 Released

amalgalite version 0.15.0 has been released.

=== Description

Amalgalite embeds the SQLite database engine in a ruby extension. There
is no
need to install SQLite separately.

Look in the examples/ directory to see

  • general usage
  • blob io
  • schema information
  • custom functions
  • custom aggregates
  • requiring ruby code from a database

Also Scroll through Amalgalite::Database for a quick example, and a
overview of the API.

Amalgalite adds in the following additional non-default SQLite

=== Installation

gem install amalgalite

{{ Release notes for Version 0.15.0 }}

=== Enhancements

  • Update to sqlite 3.7.3
  • Add the ability to load a table directly from a CSV file with
  • Convenience class for in memory databases added (MemoryDatabase)

=== Bug Fixes

  • Unable to run specs from gem [GH-3]