I’ve seen this comment for a while now in flowgraph.cc and most of the
chose to ignore it. Today I saw it and decided to do a quick google
to see what I could find.
What??? Why???
Funny “easter egg” to say the least…
I’ve seen this comment for a while now in flowgraph.cc and most of the
chose to ignore it. Today I saw it and decided to do a quick google
to see what I could find.
What??? Why???
Funny “easter egg” to say the least…
On 10/30/2014 03:04 PM, Ryan M. wrote:
I’ve seen this comment for a while now in flowgraph.cc and most of the
time chose to ignore it. Today I saw it and decided to do a quick google
search to see what I could find.
Falco - Der Kommissar 1982 - YouTube
What??? Why???
Funny “easter egg” to say the least…
check_valid_port(src.block()->output_signature(), src.port());
check_valid_port(dst.block()->input_signature(), dst.port());
check_type_match(src, dst);
// All ist klar, Herr Kommisar
… check … check … check … check
Falco doesn’t check until after the call to push_back()
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Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
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On 10/31/2014 04:32 PM, Johnathan C. wrote:
On 10/31/2014 01:01 PM, Mike M. wrote:
Bug: It is ‘Alles klar, Herr Kommissar’. (Nicht ‘all ist klar’.)
Thank you for reporting this.A fix has been generated and pushed to the maintenance branch, and will
become part of the and 3.7.6 releases.
I’m so proud of the GR maint team right now…
Bug: It is ‘Alles klar, Herr Kommissar’. (Nicht ‘all ist klar’.)
“Alles klar, Herr Kommissar” is kolloquial German for “all is good”,
which is the case at this line, because all the checks have passed.
I don’t know who put this in there (clearly not a German native speaker
given that most words are misspelled) but I think it’s hilarious.
Discuss-gnuradio mailing list
[email protected]
On 10/31/2014 04:48 PM, Johnathan C. wrote:
On 10/31/2014 10:44 AM, Martin B. wrote:
I don’t know who put this in there (clearly not a German native speaker
given that most words are misspelled) but I think it’s hilarious.That was me, and you are right, my German is limited to a few phrases
not spoken in polite company, and various brands of pretty good beer.Enough to get by on, anyway.
Since both the original author of this line and the discoverer of the
easter egg seem to not be native german speakers, perhaps this will help
clear it up, here is the english version of the song
Got to love the 80’s man…
On 31.10.2014 21:35, Marcus D. Leech wrote:
Bug: It is ‘Alles klar, Herr Kommissar’. (Nicht ‘all ist klar’.)
Thank you for reporting this.
Mike, you missed your chance to provide an important contribution to the
gnuradio-runtime component
A fix has been generated and pushed to the maintenance branch, and will
become part of the and 3.7.6 releases.I’m so proud of the GR maint team right now…
This is the first time I feel the urge to ‘like’ a commit
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