I saw from the thread “color output” that there is a plan to “align
the runner”. Is there a place to see what that means? I am just
I saw from the thread “color output” that there is a plan to “align
the runner”. Is there a place to see what that means? I am just
On 10/2/07, Shane D. [email protected] wrote:
I saw from the thread “color output” that there is a plan to “align
the runner”. Is there a place to see what that means? I am just
I think that there are conversations about this on the rspec-devel
list. Thus far we haven’t created any sort of public roadmap/gameplan,
etc. It’d be nice, but certainly not our first priority.
In brief, we want the output from running Scenarios and Examples to
look the same. So we’ll want the underlying code to be unified. Make
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