AJXA and page relalodin

Hi All

i want a quick easy guide to play with some ajax this. the problem is
simply as follows,

i have created a form and when the form is successfully created i want
to display a message saying “Account is successfully created” and some
details about the account. i have created a different rhtml page to
store those data’s.

so what i want when the form is successfully created with out refreshing
the page load the other page to where the form was early.

so i know that i have to use AJAX and i am familiar with using it with
normal HTML and PHP bt find difficult to use in ROR. so i tried on some
articals in the NET get some help bt did not work out properly. so now i
am a stuck with some dead lines and want to integrate the things i have
done and need a BIG help in this AJAX thing.

so if some body can pls give me some sep wise instructions to tell how
to change my form tag coding and achieve this task.