
I have in the controller

def show_details

@servicedesk_cis_join = @sd_ticket.service_desk_cis
@sd_cis = @servicedesk_cis_join.map(&:ci)
@sd_cis_association_type_ids =


And the view show_details contains many partial files in tabs for
displayig each of the above like

  • Details
  • Attachments
  • CIs
  • <%= render :partial=>'service_desk_part/view_sd_details' %>
    <%= render :partial => 'service_desk_part/view_sd_attachment_details' %>
    <%= render :partial => 'service_desk_part/view_sd_ci_details' %>

    In _view_sd_attachment_details.rhtml a for loop there like following(I
    have included only a small portion of the code)

    <% for sd_attachment in @sd_attachments %> //sd_attachment contains say

    <%= sd_attachment.created_on %>

    What i need is pagination for the above
    _view_sd_attachment_details.rhtml.And here view_sd_details is
    same in all pages like a header information…For example

    Description <%=h @sd_ticket.description %>

    How can i do this with custom pagination…And if I use Ajax can I avoid
    show_details method executing information for view_sd_details again and
    again…And how can I do that…(The same thing to view_sd_ci_detils tab


    Any clarification needed?

    Sijo Kg wrote:

    I have in the controller

    I’m going to give your code a slightly aggressive review.

    Firstly, I don’t know if our e-mail software took out your indentation,
    but you
    need to indent your blocks, with spaces (and never tabs). def and end
    should be
    over 2, and the lines inside them should be over 4.

    def show_details


    In a controller, only use @ if you actually need a variable to live
    longer than
    the current method.


    Always put the correct amount of spaces around operators like =, for

    Next, don’t use shortcuts or acronyms for variable names. You don’t need
    as a “registered package prefix” for “show_details”, because your
    should either be for everyone, or they should not use @.

    Next, ServiceDeskTicket should use a ‘has_many
    directive. Then instead of ‘@sd_attachments = …’, you can just say

    @servicedesk_cis_join = @sd_ticket.service_desk_cis
    @sd_cis = @servicedesk_cis_join.map(&:ci)
    @sd_cis_association_type_ids =

    The same critique. All these associations should be declared inside the
    using either directives like ‘has_many’ or ‘belongs_to’, or even simple
    that return fully cooked data. Then the controller only needs to call
    the few
    methods it needs.

    And I suspect your type_id could go into a polymorphic Model, for even
    transparency. That’s the root principle of Object Oriented Programming,
    so it’s
    also frequently a good idea!

    And write unit tests for everything, too!

    <%= render :partial=>‘service_desk_part/view_sd_details’ %>

    <%= render :partial => 'service_desk_part/view_sd_attachment_details' %>
    <%= render :partial => 'service_desk_part/view_sd_ci_details' %>

    Good! Partials tame RHTML!

    In _view_sd_attachment_details.rhtml a for loop there like following(I
    have included only a small portion of the code)

    <% for sd_attachment in @sd_attachments %> //sd_attachment contains say

    <%= sd_attachment.created_on %>

    You might also try render :partial … :collection.

    What i need is pagination for the above
    _view_sd_attachment_details.rhtml.And here view_sd_details is
    same in all pages like a header information…For example


    I thought tr/th should be inside a thead, right?

    <td width=""><%=h @sd_ticket.description  %></td>

    How can i do this with custom pagination…And if I use Ajax can I avoid
    show_details method executing information for view_sd_details again and
    again…And how can I do that…(The same thing to view_sd_ci_detils tab

    Try this (roughly):

    render :partial => ‘header’,
    :locals => {
    :label => ‘Attachments’,
    :ticket => @sd_ticket,
    :rows => proc{
    render :partial => ‘row’,
    :collection => @sd_ticket.attachments }

    Then inside _header.rhtml use something like…

    <%= label %>... <%= rows.call %>

    Now _header.rhtml is completely reusable, and you reuse it by writing
    that big
    render… line again, and changing the values of :label and :rows.

    BTW I don’t see no Ajax around here. Good thing, too, because simple
    reports and
    partials should all be raw HTML, right?

    O'Reilly Media - Technology and Business Training

    I did not understand

    Try this (roughly): //In which of my above file I shud
    write this?

    render :partial => ‘header’,
    :locals => {
    :label => ‘Attachments’,
    :ticket => @sd_ticket,
    :rows => proc{
    render :partial => ‘row’,
    :collection => @sd_ticket.attachments }

    Then inside _header.rhtml use something like…////I have no file

    <%= label %>... <%= rows.call %>

    u r right That is a polymorphic relation.And how pagination works
    here.Please answer (I am beginner to Ajax also)…I thought it would done
    by object_field and all (Please correct me if I am wrong)
