Ajax will_paginate + jQuery.put changes will_paginate href

Firstly, I have got an Ajax will_paginate working and it’s great!

/clients/index.html.erb - this displays the CRUD listing of my
clients. The Ajax pagination is added through a partial and the div
container “results” is being reloaded.

I then added a form, with a text field and a search button, so i can
refine my search. I got this working with jQuery.put to refresh the
“results” div container. So when i type in a few letters, i go off and
call my search_results action in my clients_controller which calls the
will_paginate magic. My problem is that when the “results” container
is updated with the results, my will_paginate page links are being
changed from

Can somebody please help! I have no idea why this is happening and
have spent days on this! :frowning:

Please also feel free to critique my code as I am a noobie :slight_smile:


jQuery(document).ready(function() {
jQuery(“#search_form”).submit(function() {
, jQuery(this).serialize()
, function(data)
, “html”
return false;



<% form_tag clients_path+‘/search_results’, :id => ‘search_form’ do %>

    <% content_tag :label do %>
            Search term (first name):
            <%= text_field_tag :search, params[:search] %>

            <%= submit_tag "Search", :id => 'fubar' %>
    <% end %>

<% end %>

<%= render :partial => 'listing' %>


def self.search(search, page)

# convert to lowercase for search
search = String(search).downcase

paginate  :per_page => 2,
          :page => page,
          :conditions => ['LOWER(first_name) like ?', "%#{search}

:order => ‘first_name’


def search_results

# Saving search term to be used in the partial search template.
@clients = Client.search(params[:search], params[:page])
render :partial => 'listing'


Same problem here.
The links are generated from the request address.
If i delete an element from the list (ajax way) the links in the
pagination are wrong. Don’t know how to solve. Please help!