Ajax test not working

Am having real probs trying to use Ajax with my Rails app. I have set up
a test as


in javascript file:

window.onload = function() {
$(’#test’).bind(‘ajax:success’, function() {
in view:

<%= link_to “test”, { :action => :getDiagram }, :remote => true, :id =>
“test” %>
in controller:

def getDiagram


Now I know this looks odd with the empty controller action, but I would
expect this code to just show a popup window with ‘success’ and leave
the current page loaded when the link is clicked? Instead i get the
missing template message like its trying to load a page synchronously
rather than using ajax?

Can anyone get my test to work? Do I need to upgrade or add a gem file?

Thanks in advance


Maybe try in controller:

def getDiagram

respond_to do |format|


On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:40:24 PM UTC+1, Ruby-Forum.com User



This javascript is syntactically incorrect - you’re not closing the
you open just after “bind”
Also if you want to render nothing you do need to explicitly say that
render :nothing => true) or rails will complain that there is no


Jason W. wrote in post #1080993:

Am having real probs trying to use Ajax with my Rails app. I have set up
a test as


in javascript file:

window.onload = function() {
$(’#test’).bind(‘ajax:success’, function() {
in view:

<%= link_to “test”, { :action => :getDiagram }, :remote => true, :id =>
“test” %>
in controller:

def getDiagram


Now I know this looks odd with the empty controller action, but I would
expect this code to just show a popup window with ‘success’ and leave
the current page loaded when the link is clicked? Instead i get the
missing template message like its trying to load a page synchronously
rather than using ajax?

Can anyone get my test to work? Do I need to upgrade or add a gem file?

Thanks in advance


What I have noticed is that

  1. The javascript syntax is not correct
  2. You didn’t specify a controller from the link
  3. It is probably make more sense to test with Json response using
    respond_to :json
    respond_with { :status => ‘okay’ }

AndreM wrote in post #1081168:

Maybe try in controller:

def getDiagram

respond_to do |format|


Hi Andre

Tried that - dont get error but renders a blank template. My main
concern is why the event isnt firing and showing the alert.

Frederick C. wrote in post #1081170:

On Wednesday, October 24, 2012 7:40:24 PM UTC+1, Ruby-Forum.com User



This javascript is syntactically incorrect - you’re not closing the
you open just after “bind”
Also if you want to render nothing you do need to explicitly say that
render :nothing => true) or rails will complain that there is no


Thanks Fred

I spotted that using Firebug, but still makes no difference. When
setting render :nothing => true it just renders a blank template which
is not what i want. The ajax:success event is not firing either

On Oct 25, 2012, at 4:32 PM, Jason W. wrote:

$(‘#test’).bind(‘ajax:success’, function() {

Thanks in advance
Thanks Webber
The parser sees this line as a method with a block and then the => is
confusing (not allowed there, it isn’t in a Hash)

Either of these changes will do what you expect:

respond_with({ :status => 'okay' })    # no longer looks like a 

respond_with :status => ‘okay’ # must be a hash literal
respond_with( :status => ‘okay’ ) # must be a hash literal

Although the value for :status might need to be ‘OK’ or 200 rather than
‘okay’ and you need a respond_to in the controller.


webber han wrote in post #1081214:

Jason W. wrote in post #1080993:

Am having real probs trying to use Ajax with my Rails app. I have set up
a test as


in javascript file:

window.onload = function() {
$(’#test’).bind(‘ajax:success’, function() {
in view:

<%= link_to “test”, { :action => :getDiagram }, :remote => true, :id =>
“test” %>
in controller:

def getDiagram


Now I know this looks odd with the empty controller action, but I would
expect this code to just show a popup window with ‘success’ and leave
the current page loaded when the link is clicked? Instead i get the
missing template message like its trying to load a page synchronously
rather than using ajax?

Can anyone get my test to work? Do I need to upgrade or add a gem file?

Thanks in advance


What I have noticed is that

  1. The javascript syntax is not correct
  2. You didn’t specify a controller from the link
  3. It is probably make more sense to test with Json response using
    respond_to :json
    respond_with { :status => ‘okay’ }

Thanks Webber

  1. Noticed the missing bracket and fixed.
  2. Have set a route as follows:
    match ‘/getdiagram’, :to => ‘prosesses#getDiagram’
    It seems to be executing the right controller/action from the error
    message i get
  3. Tried that but get:
    syntax error, unexpected tASSOC, expecting ‘}’
    respond_with { :status => ‘okay’ }

dude, you miss a lot.
in *.js.erb
blablabla, looks fine
in controler
you miss format.js
in router
you miss
resource contoler_name do
get: :getDiagram on :member # or post or whatever, that will be
method name in link_to tag
in erb tamplate
<%= link_to “Button”, controler_action_path, method: get, remote: true
that all, you should try it now, and should works

在 2012年10月25日星期四UTC+8上午2时40分24秒,Ruby-Forum.com User写道: