Hello All,
I am using Kaminari gem for pagination.
I want to do a ajax search on the same page of the data in the table
is a list of images with names.
Can anyone suggest anything ?
Hello All,
I am using Kaminari gem for pagination.
I want to do a ajax search on the same page of the data in the table
is a list of images with names.
Can anyone suggest anything ?
Hi Avinash,
Instead of Kaminari gem try Jquery datatables it gives u default
pagination, search, and sort features you can customize it according to
your needs
I have tried with that.
There are more than 3000 records. So datatable is taking time to load
time page refreshes unlike kaminari.
On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 2:18 PM, Rajesh reddy [email protected]
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Hey man,
What’s up? I read you email, and a fast way to solve this problem is
putting a remote true in your search form, you can easily render a
partial, maybe called _products.html.erb on callback view, something as
So, your action will be the same but will respond to js and html.
You should do some jquery to setup a flash message if any product was
found, and another one to re-render your partial.
$(selector).html(“<%= j render ‘product’ %>”)
I did not test it, so maybe there are done typo or syntax errors here. I
am in the bus, any other doubt, please let me know.
Hope it will help you
Nice day
Enviado via iPhone
Em 19/07/2013, s 05:52, avinash behera [email protected]
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