Ajax search feature works in FF but not IE

Hey All,

I put a simple search box on my projects/index view, via the following
observe_field call:

<%= observe_field(‘project_search’,
:url => { :controller => “projects”, :action => “index_search”},
:update => “project-list”,
:loading => “Element.show(‘search_spinner’)”,
:complete => “Element.hide(‘search_spinner’)”,
:frequency => 1,
:submit => ‘search’) -%>

The index_search action queries out the proper set of projects & renders
the list to a partial, like so:

def index_search
min_query_length = 1
q = params[:project_search]

if q.length > min_query_length then
@projects = Project.find_by_name_fragment(q) || []
order_by = params[:order_by] || ‘statuses.name’
@projects = Project.find(:all, :order => order_by, :include =>
respond_to do |format|
format.js do
render :partial => “project_list.html.erb”

That partial renders a table w/one row per project. This works just
fine from FireFox. But from IE I don’t get my table–just a blank page.
So the records that used to be in my table id=“project-list” are gone,
but I don’t see the new ones that index_search queried out of the db.
Judging from the log, IE is indeed making the request to index_search,
passing the params it should, etc. The log even says, e.g.,

Rendered projects/_project (0.01600)
Rendered projects/_project_list.html.erb (0.10900)

But IE doesn’t seem to want to actually display these guys. FF’s web
development toolbar tells me I’m in “standards compliance mode” when I
pull up a searched list of projects, so I believe the markup is all

What am I doing wrong?



Roy P.
Research Analyst/Programmer
Group Health Center For Health Studies (Cancer Research Network)
(206) 287-2078
Google Talk: rpardee

Pardee, Roy wrote:

<%= observe_field(‘project_search’,
:url => { :controller => “projects”, :action => “index_search”},
:update => “project-list”,

That partial renders a table w/one row per project. This works just fine from FireFox. But from IE I don’t get my table–just a blank page. So the records that used to be in my table id=“project-list” are gone, but I don’t see the new ones that index_search queried out of the db. Judging from the log, IE is indeed making the request to index_search, passing the params it should, etc. The log even says, e.g.,

But IE doesn’t seem to want to actually display these guys. FF’s web development toolbar tells me I’m in “standards compliance mode” when I pull up a searched list of projects, so I believe the markup is all kosher.

:update changes the innerHTML of a node, so you will be inserting
the table inside the table tag.

Wrap a div around the table and update that instead.

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Fantastic! That did the trick. Thanks!