Hello everyone
I have this ajax issue, I’d be glad if someone would be willing to
help, thanks
What I try to do:
Have a select box with a list of countries.
When the country select box value is changed, have the state box
Up to this point, I got this successfully.
When the state box gets changed, have the city box appear for
selection. This is what I couldn’t acheive…
How I coded it:
In my rhtml page I got this code:
<%= select “assoc”, “country_id”, @country_options, {:include_blank =>
true} %>
<%= observe_field(:assoc_country_id,
:frequency => 0.5,
:update => :states,
:url => { :action => :show_states_select },
:with => “‘country_id=’ + value”) %>
In show_states_select.rhtml, I got this:
<%= select ‘assoc’, ‘state_id’, @state_options, {:include_blank =>
true} %>
<%= observe_field(:assoc_state_id,
:frequency => 0.5,
:update => :cities,
:url => { :action => :show_cities_select },
:with => “‘state_id=’ + value”) %>
And show_cities_select.rhtml:
<%= select ‘user’, ‘city_id’, @city_options, {:include_blank => true}
I think it does not appear because maybe the second observe_field
comes from ajax request and maybe is not interpreted, I don’t know, if
someone could help me, I’d appreciate…
Thank you