Ajax problem migrating to Rails 2.0

Hi, I was developping an application and everything was working
properely, until I decided to migrate to RoR 2.0. I was using
Scriptaculous to add new itens to a list using Highlight visual
effect. But in RoR 2.0 when I press submit button in the form, only
the partial is rendered to the browser, not the entire page, with the
new item added with highlight effect. What should I do to correct

Here the code:

The partial: _area.html.erb

  • <%= area.nome -%>
    <%= link_to "Editar", :action => "editar", :id => area.id %> <%= link_to_remote "[x]", :url=> {:action => "excluir", :id => area.id} %>
  • The list in the mais view page: lista.html.erb

      <%= render :partial => 'area/area', :collection => @areas %>

    The criar.js.rjs:
    if @area.new_record?
    page.alert @area.errors.full_messages.join("\n")
    page.insert_html :top, ‘item_lista’, :partial => ‘area’
    page.visual_effect :highlight, “area_#{@area.id}”
    page.form.reset ‘area_form’

    The controller: area_controller.rb

    def lista
    @areas = Area.find(:all, :conditions => [“conta_id = ?”,
    session[:usuario].conta], :order => “id DESC”)

    def criar
    @area = Area.new(params[:area])
    @area.conta = session[:usuario].conta
    if @area.save
    return if request.xhr?
    render :partial => ‘area’, :object => @area
    flash.now[:notice] = “Não deu certo. Tente novamente.”
    render :controller => ‘area’, :action => ‘lista’

    Thanks a lot.

    Hi, how did you migrate from Rails version X to Rails 2.0.2? For
    did you switch the Rails version information in the environment.rb? If
    is the case, you’ll also need to update the configuration file by doing
    following in the root of your rails application:
    rake rails:update

    Otherwise, please provide more detail as to what steps you performed to
    the migration from Rails X to Rails 2.0.2.


    Hi, I’ve unistalled Ruby, and reinstall everything from scracht. Ruby
    and gems.
    I created a new applicatinon, with the same name, and copied pages
    from models, controllers and views. (as well as plugins)
    After that, I modified every piece of code that was deprecated.
    Everything is working perfect, except Ajax effects.
    Thanks a lot.

    I realized I’ve migrated my forms to form_for, not for
    remote_form_for. :-S
    Now is everything fine.