Ajax file upload question

I have the file upload working, I have to place it outside my main

Is there a way so I can have somewhere other than outside my form?

This below is all after the submit button:

<%= render :partial => '/rsl/sitelist', :locals => { :files => @files } %>
<% form_for :file, :url => file_upload_path(:format => 'js'), :html => { :multipart => true, :target => 'upload_file' } do %> File:  <%= file_field_tag :upload %>  <%= hidden_field_tag 'rfi', @rfi.id %> <%= submit_tag 'Upload File' %>  <% end %>


why do you need it outside the main form? is the main form also going
to be there on that page?
you might want to check out form_tag

good luck!

Can you be more descriptive?
If the file is related to the model who’s form is on the page, then the
can and should be a part of the form for that model.

If the file is unrelated to the model who’s form is in the page and/or
want to include a separate form for the file upload, then you can use
something like

<% form_tag :file, :url => file_upload_path(:format => ‘js’), :html =>
{ :multipart => true, :target => ‘upload_file’ } do %>
<%= file_field_tag :upload %> 
<%= hidden_field_tag ‘rfi’, @rfi.id %>
<%= submit_tag ‘UploadFile’ %> 
<% end %>

… which is just the code u pasted with form_tag instead of form_for.
should read the API to understand the difference.

2009/8/10 Chris H. [email protected]

Is there a way so I can have somewhere other than outside my form?
<%= file_field_tag :upload %> 
<%= hidden_field_tag ‘rfi’, @rfi.id %>
<%= submit_tag ‘UploadFile’ %> 
<% end %>

In Sport We Trust !!!

Well the file upload was not working because it is a form inside a form.

I do know the difference but when I move the code into the main form it
tries to submit the whole form.

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 11:59 PM, Vinay S.

You can use either form_for or form_tag for the file. In either case,
main form should close before you start the one for the file.
Whats the problem?

2009/8/10 Chris H. [email protected]

If the file is unrelated to the model who’s form is in the page and/or you

why do you need it outside the main form? is the main form also going

On Aug 7, 3:55 pm, Me [email protected] wrote:

In Sport We Trust !!!

Well all file uploads from what I have seen are within the main form not
below the submit button. I guess I will just use a modal box to do the

On Mon, Aug 10, 2009 at 11:07 PM, Vinay S.
<[email protected]

I have a Paperclip file upload going inside my model’s form, but not
in a form for itself.
I was approaching this as a form issue. Anyway, you should try
Paperclip if it seems like it might help you. Its really extremely
easy file uploads.


good luck!

2009/8/11 Chris H. [email protected]

I do know the difference but when I move the code into the main form it tries to submit the whole form.

     <%= hidden_field_tag 'rfi', @rfi.id %>

why do you need it outside the main form? is the main form also going

<iframe name="upload_file" id="upload_file" style="width:1px;height: </blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> </blockquote> <p>–<br> In Sport We Trust !!!</p> </blockquote> <blockquote></blockquote> </blockquote> <p>–<br> In Sport We Trust !!!</p>