Hey guys,
I have a field that will have very few autocomplete options. I have
an ajax.autocompleter on it that works great, but I wanted to make it
start autocompleting as soon as the field is blur()ed, so that even
if the field is empty, the list will still appear. Like a combo box
in windows. How can I do this? Setting :min_chars => 0 (or even -1)
didn’t work…
Chaz_Meister_Rock wrote:
checkout the “frequency” option:
Well, that didn’t work. But it made me realize that :min_chars isn’t
working, either! My code is:
text_field_with_auto_complete :the_object, :project_name, {}
{:with =>
:min_chars => 3,
:frequency => 0.1
Yet even with :min_chars => 3, the text filed auto completes with one
Am I doing this wrong?