All chapters, with the exception of Web Services which is likely to be
replaced by a chapter on ActiveResource, have been updated to work
with Rails 2.1.
I’m now looking for suggestions on what new features are in edge Rails
today that deserve specific focus and expanded coverage in the next
beta. Feedback welcome, even if you aren’t participating in this
particular beta but have seen previous editions. The overall
structure is exactly the same as the previous edition – something I
felt was important to do until I reached this point, but now comes the
fun part where I have a working book that I can confidently evolve in
whatever direction makes sense.
All chapters, with the exception of Web Services which is likely to be
replaced by a chapter on ActiveResource, have been updated to work
with Rails 2.1.
I’m now looking for suggestions on what new features are in edge Rails
today that deserve specific focus and expanded coverage in the next
beta. Feedback welcome, even if you aren’t participating in this
particular beta but have seen previous editions. The overall
structure is exactly the same as the previous edition – something I
felt was important to do until I reached this point, but now comes the
fun part where I have a working book that I can confidently evolve in
whatever direction makes sense.
Sam Ruby
This forum is not affiliated to the Ruby language, Ruby on Rails framework, nor any Ruby applications discussed here.