Agile Web Development book - version 4.0 released

I don’t know if I missed this on the list, but the Agile Web D.
with Rails book is now at version 4.0, for those of us who bought the
PDF from the Prag Prog site.

Just a few typos and corrections from the looks of it, but can’t hurt to
get the latest.

You can reorder the book for download at:



Yeah … I missed in on the list and apparently the record-keeping
mechanism at PragProg didn’t send me an email either. In any event, the
new version was released on December 24, so perhaps someone pushed a
button on the way out the door for the holidays and some
post-regeneration processing didn’t get triggered or crashed. Or maybe
the gerbils need a raise. :slight_smile:

Tom T. wrote:



Rails mailing list
[email protected]

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky

On Jan 2, 2006, at 7:51 PM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

Yeah … I missed in on the list and apparently the record-keeping
mechanism at PragProg didn’t send me an email either. In any event,
the new version was released on December 24, so perhaps someone
pushed a button on the way out the door for the holidays and some
post-regeneration processing didn’t get triggered or crashed. Or
maybe the gerbils need a raise. :slight_smile:

I don’t normally send emails when the fixes are just for typos: I
figure if folks find a typo, they’ll go to the page, and it’ll tell
them a new version is available. We definitely don’t create PDFs and
send them out: that’d make us no friends… :slight_smile:

