I am a complete newbie to Ruby and Rails. I purchased the Agile Dev with
Rails book this weekend, and am making my way through it.
I’m in the testing chapter, and trying to complete the “exercise for the
reader” by implementing search on the website.
According to my functional test (identical to the book), I have a
working search controller. I also got a results.rhtml page written, and
can load it up with information through the browser.
My problem is this. I am trying to create a search page that lets the
user enter the terms to search for, then invoke the search action on the
search controller and display what matches. I have an index.rhtml that
has a simple form (one text field) and a submit button to the search
action. This seems to work, and I wind up on the results page.
However, the value I type into the text field does not appear to be
submitted through the form to the action. I always get all books
displayed on the results page (I also seem to have the flash statement
[Found 3 products] showing up on the index, when it is not expected).
If someone could point me in the direction of my error, I would
appreciate it.
Ken S.
Here is what I have written:
<% @page_title = “Search PragProg Online Store” %>
<%= start_form_tag({:action => “search”}) %>
Enter search terms:
<%= text_field(nil, “query”) %>
<%= submit_tag(" Search ") %>
<%= end_form_tag %>
<% @page_title = “Search Results”%>
<h3><%=h product.title %></h3>
<%= product.description %>
<span class="catalogprice"><%= fmt_price(product.price)
<%= link_to ‘Add to Cart’,
{:controller => ‘store’,
:action => ‘add_to_cart’, :id => product },
:class => ‘addtocart’ %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to “Show my cart”, {:controller => “store”, :action =>
“display_cart”} %>
class SearchController < ApplicationController
layout “store”
def index
def search
@products = Product.search(params[:query])
flash[:notice] = “Found #{@products.size} product(s).”
render “search/results”