Advice for me

Hello, could you please help me. I am not a programmer, but I would like
to write in Ruby, on a gift card for my son-in-law, “I am so glad I know
you” He is a programmer & he would really think that is great. thank you

Excerpts from Sandy T.'s message of Mon Feb 03 20:06:24 +0100 2014:

you" He is a programmer & he would really think that is great. thank you

In ruby this prints the message on the console:

puts “I am so glad I know you”

Of course you can do fancy things such as hex or base64 encode or using
quoting … to make him type it into irb …

Then it becomes:

require ‘base64’
puts Base64.decode64 “SSBhbSBzbyBnbGFkIEkga25vdyB5b3U=\n”

That’s enough to have some fun and probably all you need.

Marc W.

Boy, I’d have never figured out that could have become english!! thank
you so much, he’ll be really surprised

Hey Sandy,

Actually you can’t translate english words into a programming language
but I think you could do something nice and simple if you write this:

def my_message_to_you
“I am so glad I know you”

puts my_message_to_you

Luis U.

On February 3, 2014 at 3:07:37 PM, Sandy T. ([email protected])

Hello, could you please help me. I am not a programmer, but I would like
to write in Ruby, on a gift card for my son-in-law, “I am so glad I know
you” He is a programmer & he would really think that is great. thank you

Posted via

thank you for your help


I have answered a similar request on SO some time ago, so I will just
post a link with multiple answers from which you can adjust and choose
what fits you better:

On 3 Φεβ 2014, at 21:57 , Sandy T. [email protected] wrote:

thank you for your help

Posted via

Panagiotis (atmosx) Atmatzidis

email: [email protected]
GnuPG ID: 0x1A7BFEC5
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 1A7BFEC5

Reading that site gives me a whole new appreciation of all that you must
do to say some of the most ordinary phrases for the rest of us to read!!
Thank you