Advice for html project

I helping my boss with some scripting for a web analysis research
project. He handles vocabulary and analysis, while I am using ruby parse
WARC files and the actual HTML.

Anyway, I’m still fairly new to Ruby. I did the WARC parsing, but I was
wondering what I should use for the HTML parser. (Didn’t want to
re-invent that wheel.) Some considerations:

  • Mainly we just need to pull the content text out of the HTML
  • A few tags might have special weight or significance (h1, etc.)
  • Unfortunately, nearly all the HTML is broken, because all our test
    data was provided by this software that truncates the data after a
    certain length.

Excerpts from Jonathan B.'s message of Wed Jul 14 01:38:31 +0200 2010:

I helping my boss with some scripting for a web analysis research
project. He handles vocabulary and analysis, while I am using ruby parse
WARC files and the actual HTML.

Anyway, I’m still fairly new to Ruby. I did the WARC parsing, but I was
wondering what I should use for the HTML parser. (Didn’t want to
re-invent that wheel.) Some considerations:
Google for nokogiri. That’s one solution.

Marc W.