Advance search using pg_search gem passing three, two, one o nome parameters

Hello I trying this search

pg_search_scope :advance_search, against: [:title, :place, :category],
using: { tsearch: { dictionary: “spanish”} }

def self.searchadv(title, place, category)
advance_search(:title => title, :place => place, :category =>

I could not make this work, I always get cero records, but I have
with the parameters I’m passing. By the way no all the parameter need to
present in the passing, for example I can search just using the title, o
title and place or place or category or all together.

Thanks for your help, I really need it.

Hi Jean, sorry for the late reply.

When you create a search method using pg_search_scope, it takes only one
parameter, a string query.

So for your example, you should not pass a Hash into your advance_search

Instead, imagine a user wants to find things with the title “Moby Dick”
the place “Paris” with the category “Novel”. They could type into a
box the single string “moby dick paris novel” and you could call
advance_search this way:

advance_search(“moby dick paris novel”)


advance_search(params[:query]) # this assumes you are in a Rails
controller and you have a form that submits a param named “query”

If you are trying to search separately by different fields, then
is not the correct solution. You could try something like this:

def self.searchadv(title, place, category)
where(:title => title, :place => place, :category => category)

But that will only find exact matches. Doing something more advanced
this is an exercise for the reader.
