[ADV] Upcoming RoR Training in NYC

Hi –

I guess I could end here, since my sig says it already :slight_smile: But just to

I’ll be offering two Rails courses in New York City in February,
hosted at the new training facility of Exceed Education. The first is
Intro to Rails, Feb. 4-7. This course is based around a newly revised
and updated (for Rails 2.0) 260-page workbook (written by me and not
the same as Ruby for Rails :slight_smile:

The second course is “Advancing With Rails”, which is designed for
intermediate Rails developers who want to pick up more advanced
techniques and explore both Ruby and Rails in more depth and

Details at http://www.rubypal.com. Let me know if you have any


Training for 2008!
Ruby on Rails training by David A. Black/Ruby Power and Light, LLC:
* Intro to Rails, New York, NY, February 4-7 2008
* Advancing With Rails, New York, NY, February 11-14 2008
Hosted by Exceed Education. See http://www.rubypal.com for details!