Hi everyone –
I’m happy to announce that Ruby Power and Light, LLC is offering a
four-day course:
Ruby on Rails: Intro to Intermediate
May 8-11, 2007
Edison, New Jersey, USA
The course will be held at the new, very up-to-date training facilities
of Exceed Education. I will be the instructor. Class size will be kept
small and seminar-like. The course will take a hands-on approach,
and will cover Ruby language foundations and the full Rails application
development stack.
You can get more info and sign up at http://www.rubypal.com. (Click on
the announcement.) Early-bird pricing is in effect until April 16.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hoping to see you there!
Q. What is THE Ruby book for Rails developers?
A. RUBY FOR RAILS by David A. Black (Ruby for Rails)
(See what readers are saying! http://www.rubypal.com/r4rrevs.pdf)
Q. Where can I get Ruby/Rails on-site training, consulting, coaching?
A. Ruby Power and Light, LLC (http://www.rubypal.com)