Admin Interface builder roundup

Scaffolding is great for learning and first iterations.
But, there’s another use for it: easily building admin interfaces.

The difference? Scaffolding has to be simple, easy to change, and
easy to learn from.

Admin interfaces should be powerful, look nice, and have lots of bells
and whistles.

There’s been a lot of work in Admin interfaces - lot’s of great
contributions - it’s hard to keep track of them all. I think the
community would benefit from having a single list, with a quick
summary of what they do. (Plus, it will help for open source

For starters, here’s a list of some of the more well known:

So, calling all authors of advanced scaffold / admin interface / UI
builders: please post to this thread a URL and short description of
what you’ve created.

And, anyone whose used them - what do you like and dislike?

PS Also, you can add a link and description to