Just a thought would something like the Silicon Labs Si 570 anyrate
clock be
of use for adjusting any of the system speeds?
Like nudging the sampling rate up or down to better match what your
Justin N2TOH
Just a thought would something like the Silicon Labs Si 570 anyrate
clock be
of use for adjusting any of the system speeds?
Like nudging the sampling rate up or down to better match what your
Justin N2TOH
On 11/17/2010 09:13 PM, Justin Kelly wrote:
Just a thought would something like the Silicon Labs Si 570 anyrate
clock be of use for adjusting any of the system speeds?Like nudging the sampling rate up or down to better match what your
working with?Justin N2TOH
If your concern is moving the RF frequency in fine frequency steps then
there should be no need to do this. You can tune the transmit and
receive frequencies with arbitrary precision.
If your concern is moving the sample rate by significant amounts in
order to be an exact multiple of symbol rate, then some people have done
this by replacing the main oscillator. A lot of people using OpenBTS
use 52 MHz, for example.
I want to clarify one thing that is, if i replace the VCTCXO osc 64Mhz
3.3 V
+/- 50ppm with
64Mhz 3.3 V +/- 2ppm, in USRP1, will it affect basic operations of usrp1
or will improve on account of frequency stability,
ass 10Khz frequency offset is inherent feature of USRP1, also wants to
confirm that if
main osc frequency been change ass Matt told to less like 52 Mhz with
OpenBTS did, do we need to do some changes with USSRP1 firmware or need
do changes only with
our custom application /signal processing blocks ?
Thanks & Kind Regards,
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