the problem is that we can’t figure out how to make this work correctly
when the url already contains query strings.
return 301 https://$host$request_uri?source=server1 ;
in /
out /
in /
out /
How can we get this?
in /
out /
in /
out /
On Mon, Jul 01, 2013 at 05:18:47PM -0400, Jonathan V. wrote:
Hi there,
the problem is that we can’t figure out how to make this work correctly when the
url already contains query strings.
If the format difference between $request_uri and $uri is not important
to you in this case, and if the order of the arguments is not important,
then replacing
If those conditions don’t hold, then you may need to set your extra bit
to start with ? or & depending on the existence of $args or of $is_args,
which you could do in a map.