I’m building a rails site using RDig as a site-wide search. I would
like to be able to add just one URL (or possibly a list) to an existing
index, so that when certain pages change I can update the index without
reindexing the entire site. I looked through the documentation and
didn’t see an example on how to do this so I am looking for some
guidance here :). Is this possible with RDig and if so what is the
Thanks in advance,
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On Fri, Jan 05, 2007 at 10:38:08AM -0800, Dylan Vaughn wrote:
Hey there,
I’m building a rails site using RDig as a site-wide search. I would like to be able to add just one URL (or possibly a list) to an existing index, so that when certain pages change I can update the index without reindexing the entire site. I looked through the documentation and didn’t see an example on how to do this so I am looking for some guidance here :). Is this possible with RDig and if so what is the syntax?
I’m afraid this is not possible with RDig out of the box. However it
should be fairly easy to hack RDig so it does what you want.
If you told the crawler to not follow any links, and then gave your urls
as start url list, you’d be nearly done. Nearly because you have to make
sure any older versions of the same documents get removed from the index
properly before re-adding them.
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