I create a register/login page to can use it later on my page and i
want/have to add permissions for the users so that they cant
delete/comment/etc things from the site that only admins can do!
Can u help me?
Thank you
I create a register/login page to can use it later on my page and i
want/have to add permissions for the users so that they cant
delete/comment/etc things from the site that only admins can do!
Can u help me?
Thank you
I was looking into Devise and CanCan for the first time just the other
and the approach sounds like the one you need.
On 8 March 2011 01:14, Zakris Z. [email protected] wrote:
I create a register/login page to can use it later on my page
Look at authentication gems like Devise and Clearance
and i
want/have to add permissions for the users so that they cant
delete/comment/etc things from the site that only admins can do!
For this, use authorisation gems, like CanCan and Aegis.
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