Ad_agency version 0.1.2 has been released

Announcing ad_agency version 0.1.2
An extension to Jeweler for generating announcements

One of the facilities I missed in moving from hoe to jeweler was the
ability to easily
announce new versions of gems.

ad_agency fills that hole.


=== v0.1.2 2010-04-21
Version bump to 0.1.2
update README
=== v0.1.1 2010-04-21
update history file again
fix merge problem
history file generator now writes History.txt
history file generator now writes History.txt
generate tag for untagged changes from HISTORY
Version bump to 0.1.1
added history file generator task
refactor for specability
fixed spelling of task name
=== v0.1.0 2010-04-17
change own rakefile to use gem
Add documentation, rename raketask
Version bump to 0.1.0
Version bump to 0.0.0
Initial commit to ad_agency.