Hi people I have tried to install the acts_as_versioned gem from
github in rails 2.2.2 but it seems to conflict with some methods in
the activerecords dirty.rb-file. I can solve some of the problem by
changing code in the activerecord, but I don’t think that was the
Hi Emuen,
I suppose you want to use acts_as_git because ~_versioned won’t be
fixed, imho.
Am 01.12.2008 um 10:09 schrieb Emuen:
I would be skeptical that acts_as_versioned won't be worked on to be
compatible with Rails 2.2.2.
It's been around for awhile and, I would guess, has a pretty decent size
install base. Unless there is another plugin that is database backed
and a
relatively painless switch (i.e. the acts_as_taggable... evolution),
than git backed, that is already compatible with Rails 2.2.2, I can't
acts_as_versioned going away.
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 11:57 PM, Florian Aßmann
You can get the latest version of acts_as_versioned from Github at
GitHub - technoweenie/acts_as_versioned: ActiveRecord plugin for versioning your models. which will work with
dirty objects in Rails 2.1 and later