While using acts_as_state_machine, I noticed it doesn’t error when
state transition is used. No false return, no exception. By invalid
transition, I mean utilizing an event that does not define the current
as a ‘from’ state. Does anyone find this lacking? I would like to be
to catch invalid state transition (such as attempting to fulfill a
order) and report that to the user.
I’m using acts_as_state_machine and when I transfer to an invalid state
gives back [] instead of true (which would be returned if it was a valid
state). I think this should be returned as false. I looked through the
and I couldn’t see where it’s returning []. If you can find this you
change the code to return false instead.
On Jan 23, 2008 11:08 AM, Eric L. [email protected] wrote:
While using acts_as_state_machine, I noticed it doesn’t error when invalid
state transition is used. No false return, no exception. By invalid state
transition, I mean utilizing an event that does not define the current state
as a ‘from’ state. Does anyone find this lacking? I would like to be able
to catch invalid state transition (such as attempting to fulfill a closed
order) and report that to the user.
Ryan B.
Feel free to add me to MSN and/or GTalk as this email.