I’m using acts_as_nested_set, and I can create root-nodes and add childs
to it. No problem. But what can I do, to delete a certain node and all
of it’s children? And of course in a way that it’s consistent, this
means that the lft/rgt structure is still consistent.
I’m using awesome nested set, but I can’t find a method that is doing
this. Or am I blind?
At least I couldn’t find it here
Just destroy the object like you would any other AR object.
Keep this in mind as well (an option to the acts_as_nested_set call in
your model).
- +:dependent+ - behavior for cascading destroy. If set to :destroy,
all the
# child objects are destroyed alongside this object by
calling their destroy
# method. If set to :delete_all (default), all the child
objects are deleted
# without calling their destroy method.
Philip H. wrote:
Just destroy the object like you would any other AR object.
Keep this in mind as well (an option to the acts_as_nested_set call in
your model).
- +:dependent+ - behavior for cascading destroy. If set to :destroy,
all the
# child objects are destroyed alongside this object by
calling their destroy
# method. If set to :delete_all (default), all the child
objects are deleted
# without calling their destroy method.
Ok, destroy is what I’m looking for. Thx I can now delete all the
childs of a certain node in the database.
Is it also possible, to delete certain nodes from a nested set, when the
nested set is in an array? After an:
@project = Project.find(:all)
in the console, I have all my projects in @project. I just want to
delete now certain nodes (like id 4 and 5 or just node 6). I need this,
because I want to create certain views on the nested set. But the
destroy should only be done in this variable, not in the database.
NoMethodError: undefined method `destroy’ for #Array:0x4eef268
from (irb):11
from :0
Even find does not work:
LocalJumpError: no block given
from (irb):8:in find' from (irb):8:in
from (irb):8:in `find’
from (irb):8
from :0