Acts_as_ferret rebuilding issue with ferret 0.11.0


There is a problem with the way that acts_as_ferret verifies the index
is valid. In ensure_index_exists it looks for a file named ‘segments’.
With the 0.11.0 release of ferret there is no file with this name. On my
dummy application I have a ‘segments.gen’ and ‘segments_2y’.

Changing the test to segments.gen fixes the problem that the index is
constantly rebuilt. I don’t know enough about these files to know if
this is a good fix or now.



On 2/27/07, Waters, Chris [email protected] wrote:



Thanks Chris. I didn’t realize acts_as_ferret was relying on their
being a segments file. Testing for segments.gen is a good fix but I’d
rather avoid forcing Jens to update acts_as_ferret so I’ll probably
try and change segments.gen back to segments or perhaps just touch the
segments file when an index is written.

On Tue, Feb 27, 2007 at 02:30:40PM +1100, David B. wrote:

On 2/27/07, David B. [email protected] wrote:
warn people off this version.
thanks :slight_smile:


Jens Krämer
webit! Gesellschaft für neue Medien mbH
Schnorrstraße 76 | 01069 Dresden
Telefon +49 351 46766-0 | Telefax +49 351 46766-66
[email protected] |

Amtsgericht Dresden | HRB 15422
GF Sven Haubold, Hagen Malessa

On 2/27/07, David B. [email protected] wrote:

this is a good fix or now.



Thanks Chris. I didn’t realize acts_as_ferret was relying on their
being a segments file. Testing for segments.gen is a good fix but I’d
rather avoid forcing Jens to update acts_as_ferret so I’ll probably
try and change segments.gen back to segments or perhaps just touch the
segments file when an index is written.

Ok, segments.gen has been changed to segments.

Jens, no need to worry about adding a fix for this. We’ll just have to
warn people off this version.