Acts_as_ferret not returning any search results

Hi there,

In my Artist model I have the following:

#track relations
has_many :track_appearances
has_many :tracks, :through => :track_appearances

acts_as_ferret :fields => :title

Now in in my console I type the following:

@results = Artist.find_by_contents(“Typhoon”)

This is what I keep getting:

@album = Artist.find_by_contents(“Typhoon”)
Asked for a remote server ? false, ENV[“FERRET_USE_LOCAL_INDEX”] is nil,
looks like we are not the server
Will use local index.
using index in script/…/config/…/config/…/index/development/artist
default field list: []
Artist Columns (0.014705) SHOW FIELDS FROM artists
SQL (0.001302) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM artists
SQL (0.000207) BEGIN
using mysql specific batched find :all
Artist Load (0.000452) SELECT * FROM artists WHERE (id > 0) LIMIT
creating doc for class: Artist, id: 1
creating doc for class: Artist, id: 2
creating doc for class: Artist, id: 3
creating doc for class: Artist, id: 4
creating doc for class: Artist, id: 5
Artist Load (0.000880) SELECT * FROM artists WHERE (id > 5) LIMIT
SQL (0.000161) COMMIT
Query: Typhoon
total hits: 0, results delivered: 0
=> #<ActsAsFerret::SearchResults:0x35b6b18 @total_hits=0, @results=[]>

No hits and no results. In my artist table I have a artist called
“Typhoon” So in theory it must find this artist. Tried it with different
models, even removed all the associations in my models, but still no

Im using locomotive btw