First off, I’d like to address that I’m n00bs.
I’ve read the README and blogs associated with this plugin, and there
really isn’t too much documentation. I have the newest version of
rails,ruby, and acts_as_authenticated installed.
#The setup
I set up the acts_as_authenticated in the following manner.
*created a table called “accounts” in the database. (minus the
activation_code and activated_at fields)
*used the generator to “script/generate authenticated account account”
*followed the instructions in the README to include AuthenticatedSystem
in my application files.
#the problem
The controllers, views, and models all work fine. The user is directed
to ‘/signup’ on loading, and upon signing up, everything inserts into
the database correctly, but when I log in, no session is retained.
In my account_controller file, I changed
redirect_to(:action => ‘signup’) unless logged_in? or Account.count > 0
redirect_to(:action => ‘signup’) unless logged_in?
and my application is in limbo.
I haven’t even attempted to get the mailer running yet, and I figure my
problem is absurdly easy. But I’d like to get it out of the way.