Acts_as_audited thread safety

Does anyone know of threading issues with the acts_as_audited plugin in
Rails/Jruby with config.threadsafe! on ?

def set_audit_user
self.user = Thread.current[:acts_as_audited_user] if
nil # prevent stopping callback chains
This method seems to return random users with active sessions in the
system no matter what we try. Increasing the number of min/max
runtimes from 1/1 to something like 3/3 strangely seemed to make the
problem less noticable but didnt solve.

Anyone have any ideas why this would be blowing up?

We ran into similar problems with acts_as_audited and couldn’t nail
down what was wrong with it.

A solution if you’re not committed to acts_as_audited is to switch to
paper_trail (GitHub - paper-trail-gem/paper_trail: Track changes to your rails models), we use it in a
multithreaded production environment and it’s fine (the one threading
problem we found has been patched)

On Wed, May 5, 2010 at 1:27 PM, AD [email protected] wrote:

This method seems to return random users with active sessions in the system

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