ActiveResource tutorial?

So ActiveResource is part of Rails 2.0, right? As I contemplate moving
from Rails 1.2.x to Rails 2.0, I figure I should figure out what’s up
with it. The blog posts here and there I see are confusing me. The
AWDWR tutorial worked great for me learning Rails 1.2.x. How do people
learn ActiveResource in Rails 2.x? The only mentions of a tutorial I
can find on the web seem to lead to a page that is no longer a tutorial.
Does an ActiveResoruce tutorial exist anywhere? What’s the best way to
learn what’s up with it?

Thanks for any advice,


Jonathan R. wrote:

So ActiveResource is part of Rails 2.0, right? As I contemplate moving
from Rails 1.2.x to Rails 2.0, I figure I should figure out what’s up
with it. The blog posts here and there I see are confusing me. The
AWDWR tutorial worked great for me learning Rails 1.2.x. How do people
learn ActiveResource in Rails 2.x? The only mentions of a tutorial I
can find on the web seem to lead to a page that is no longer a tutorial.
Does an ActiveResoruce tutorial exist anywhere? What’s the best way to
learn what’s up with it?

Thanks for any advice,


It’s not out yet, but when it comes out I’m sure it will cover it: