I’ve recently updated to Rails 2.3.4 which I run under both Ruby
1.8.7p173 and 1.9.1p243. I also built both postgresql and mysql from
source and installed these with a current sqlite3. The relevant
adapter gems are current.
I’m seeing errors and failures with the active record tests under ruby
1.9 for all 3 db’s that appear to have more to do with the test
environment than the individual adapters or underlying db code.
Summary lines for the different dbs are:
2072 tests, 6621 assertions, 1 failures, 86 errors, 0 pendings, 0
omissions, 0 notifications
2112 tests, 6688 assertions, 1 failures, 86 errors, 0 pendings, 0
omissions, 0 notifications
2128 tests, 6825 assertions, 2 failures, 87 errors, 0 pendings, 0
omissions, 0 notifications
The errors all report on undefined method. Three methods are
identified with the greatest number being ‘expects’ followed by ‘with’
and ‘stub’. These errors do not occur under Ruby 1.8
Any thoughts?