I updated to Rails 2.1.0 and I’m getting an
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error on an sql query that was working on
the previous version. A simple call with and include getting data from 2
tables. I’m not sure why this is happening now. Does anyone know what
might cause this? Thanks in advance.
@furnii_from_furnii = Furni.find :all, :include => “raider”,
:conditions => “”+Furni.conditions_by_like(@search)+" OR "
+Raider.conditions_by_like(@search) + “”
On 11 Aug 2008, at 22:16, Sam G. wrote:
I updated to Rails 2.1.0 and I’m getting an
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error on an sql query that was
working on
the previous version. A simple call with and include getting data
from 2
tables. I’m not sure why this is happening now. Does anyone know what
might cause this? Thanks in advance.
short answer: qualify your conditions on included tables (ie
raiders.foo = ‘bar’ instead of foo=‘bar’)
long answer:
Frederick C. wrote:
On 11 Aug 2008, at 22:16, Sam G. wrote:
I updated to Rails 2.1.0 and I’m getting an
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid error on an sql query that was
working on
the previous version. A simple call with and include getting data
from 2
tables. I’m not sure why this is happening now. Does anyone know what
might cause this? Thanks in advance.
short answer: qualify your conditions on included tables (ie
raiders.foo = ‘bar’ instead of foo=‘bar’)
long answer:
Mixing :include and :conditions - Space Vatican
I’m not sure how to, since I’m using a function that loops through the
columns. How do I include the tables in it? see below.
def conditions_by_like(value, *columns)
myArray = value.gsub(/[^\A-Za-z0-9\s]+/, “”).split(/ /)
myArray.collect do |itemz|
columns = self.user_columns if columns.size==0
columns = columns[0] if columns[0].kind_of?(Array)
conditions = columns.map { |c|
c = c.name if c.kind_of? ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column
LIKE " +
end.join(” OR ")
On 12 Aug 2008, at 21:08, Sam G. wrote:
tables. I’m not sure why this is happening now. Does anyone know
I’m not sure how to, since I’m using a function that loops through the
columns. How do I include the tables in it? see below.
instead of your query saying
thing LIKE ‘bar’
it should say
table_name.thing LIKE ‘bar’
You already know what the table name is (self.table_name) so you just
need to do it.
On 12 Aug 2008, at 22:20, Sam G. wrote:
thing LIKE ‘bar’
an error. It does not make any sense since the column furnii.name does
You’ve quoted it wrong: furnii.name
means a column called
furnii.name, as opposed to furnii
which means a name column
on the furnii tqable.
Frederick C. wrote:
On 12 Aug 2008, at 21:08, Sam G. wrote:
tables. I’m not sure why this is happening now. Does anyone know
I’m not sure how to, since I’m using a function that loops through the
columns. How do I include the tables in it? see below.
instead of your query saying
thing LIKE ‘bar’
it should say
table_name.thing LIKE ‘bar’
You already know what the table name is (self.table_name) so you just
need to do it.
I simplified the query below limiting it to the furnii and raiders
tables for testing and did exactly what you told me, but I’m getting
an error. It does not make any sense since the column furnii.name does
Mysql::Error: #42S22Unknown column ‘furnii.name’ in ‘where clause’:
SELECT furnii
AS t0_r0, furnii
AS t0_r1,
AS t0_r2, furnii
AS t0_r3,
AS t0_r4, furnii
AS t0_r5,
AS t0_r6, furnii
AS t0_r7,
AS t0_r8, furnii
AS t0_r9,
AS t0_r10, raiders
AS t1_r0,
AS t1_r1, raiders
AS t1_r2,
AS t1_r3, raiders
AS t1_r4,
AS t1_r5, raiders
AS t1_r6,
AS t1_r7,
AS t1_r8, raiders
t1_r9, raiders
AS t1_r10, raiders
AS t1_r11,
AS t1_r12, raiders
AS t1_r13,
AS t1_r14, raiders
AS t1_r15 FROM
ON raiders
.id =
.original_raider_id WHERE (furnii.name
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR furnii.published
LIKE ‘%jack%’
OR furnii.tmp
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR furnii.modulename
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR raiders.email
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR raiders.salt
LIKE ‘%jack%’
OR raiders.remember_token
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR raiders.fname
‘%jack%’ OR raiders.lname
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR raiders.super_user
‘%jack%’ OR raiders.gender
LIKE ‘%jack%’ OR raiders.birthdate
‘%jack%’ OR raiders.postalcode
LIKE ‘%jack%’)