Activerecord-sqlserver adapter broken or worse

The activerecord-sqlserver-adapter gem is still sort of available via, but it will not install on machines that have
Rails 2.1 (or its version of ActiveSupport) installed. This has been
confirmed with versions of rubygems through 1.2.

This seems to indicate that Rails is no longer tested against the MSSQL
adapter and that the adapter is also no longer tested against Rails
since the move of the Rails core to Git. Is MSSQL still considered a
support target for RoR or has it been deprecated entirely? For all its
known bugs especially against SQL Server 2005, the MSSQL adapter at
least installed properly and still seemed to receive patches now and
then into the Rails 2.0.x era.

Are adapters for any of the commercial databases still actively
supported, or are mysql, postgres and sqlite the only databases any of
us should be using with AR in the future? Was the removal from the core
intended as a decoupling or a deprecation?


On 30 Jun 2008, at 21:45, Steve K. wrote:

support target for RoR or has it been deprecated entirely? For all its
known bugs especially against SQL Server 2005, the MSSQL adapter at
least installed properly and still seemed to receive patches now and
then into the Rails 2.0.x era.

The rails unit tests are usually run against mysql, postgres, sqlite.
Apart from anything else most contributors can’t run the tests against
those databases. A while back I made some changes to rails’ test which
required some database specific changes. I handled postgres, mysql,
sqlite myself since I have easy access to them. I was told not to
worry about the others, that it was up to their maintainers to keep
the tests passing.

Are adapters for any of the commercial databases still actively
supported, or are mysql, postgres and sqlite the only databases any of
us should be using with AR in the future? Was the removal from the
intended as a decoupling or a deprecation?

I don’t believe rails-core worries about them much (hence the
decoupling). I’ve no idea who maintains the mssql adapter, but I
suggest you voice your concerns to them.


Interesting. I just did this install without issue.

gem -v
rails -v
Rails 2.1.0

sudo gem install activerecord-sqlserver-adapter --source=
Updating metadata for 13 gems from

Updating metadata for 13 gems from

Successfully installed activerecord-sqlserver-adapter-
1 gem installed

We use sqlserver adapter daily, though admittedly we use it against
sqlserver 2000. No issues in the last 2 years.

On Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 3:45 PM, Steve K. <