In my own framework, I have a tool which converts forms into queries and
has certain features I’m not seeing talked about for ActiveRecord.
Before I go transcribing the tools I’m used to working with into Ruby ,
I figured I’d make sure that AR doesn’t already have a “rails way” to do
some of these things.
Sorry this is a bit long, but I think an example is needed to explain
what I’m looking for.
Let’s assume a form has these input fields (searching for cars), and for
simplicity we’ll assume these names correspond to model and SQL fields
of the same names.
To perform this query in my system (ruby-ish pseudo code)
foundAutos = recordData(
inputs = ‘autoMake, autoModel, autoYear, autoColor’,
where = FORM)
inputs = a list of input fields that are allowed to participate in the
search. Effectively what happens is that the [params] array is filtered
to eliminate any elements not specified in inputs, then that array is
passed on to the query builder. This allows complete automation of the
query building w/o fear of parameter injection.
where = is like AR’s :conditions. There’s several options for passing
info, and assigning it the constant FORM declares that the query is
built based on keys passed via params (vs literal and sem-literal
queries like AR also does).
Question 1: input filtering
So far in AR, I don’t see a way to automate an entire query from form
data except through the technique of (:all, :conditions =>
params[:object]) and that does not appear to offer any input filter to
prevent parameter injection. Am I correct in this? AWDWR seems to imply
this technique can be dangerous, and I would suspect param injection is
Question 2: parameter operators
In my system, I have a convention for altering whether parameters are
searched using = != or LIKE by adding the character Op (for “operator”)
to the end of a parameter name like autoYearOp, the value of that
parameter is one of 'eq, neq, bw, ew, lt, lte, gt, gte, cn, btw for
EQual to, Not Equal, Begins With, Ends With, etc.
So, if my params include autoYear = 1997 and autoYear = gte, then the
query builder generates “autoYear >= 1997,” or if autoColor = ‘blu’ and
autoColorOp = ‘bw’, then I’ll get “autoColor LIKE ‘blu%’”.
I don’t see ActiveRecord having anything like that. Does it?
If Rails has nothing built-in that’s fine, I can develop my own methods
for this, I just don’t want to re-create existing features.
– gw