ActiveRecord on Threads: close and reopen the connection?

I’m writing a Rails application which does not have a web frontend
(no controllers and no views, only models). Rather, it is a faceless
server, supporting many tens of thousands of threads and socket
connections. Some of these are fairly short-lived, perhaps a second
or two at the most, but the majority of them live longer, possibly up
to several hours or more.

Writing a server application in Rails has its advantages - among them
is the testing framework, and of course the abstractions provided by

However, it is impractical to allot a database connection per thread,
since there are so many of them. And most of the work done in a
thread involves manipulation of ActiveRecord objects only initially,
at the start of a thread’s life, and perhaps a couple of times

For this application, it would make sense to close the db connection
and reopen it when needed.

My question to those of you who know about the inner workings of
ActiveRecord is: what is the best way of disconnecting from the
database? Of course, I can wrap all ActiveRecord accesses in blocks,
like this:

with_connection do { MyModel.find(:all).each … }

where with_connection could be defined as

def with_connection
result = yield

With_connection could of course also maintain a pool of connections.

But is there a configuration alternative that automatically makes
ActiveRecord drop the connection after each query?

I should add that ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency = true, and
that the db is Postgres, with concurrency enabled in the database.yml

/ Peter B.


On Jan 31, 2007, at 10:24 AM, Peter B. wrote:

My question to those of you who know about the inner workings of
ActiveRecord drop the connection after each query?

I should add that ActiveRecord::Base.allow_concurrency = true, and
that the db is Postgres, with concurrency enabled in the database.yml

/ Peter B.


The above could work but in my experiments with using AR in threaded
mode the easiest way to make sure connections close is to
verify_active_connections. I assume you have a server.accept loop
that is accepting new connections and firing up a thread for each
one? AR will make a connection for each thread. But if you put a
counter around your server.accept loop and then
verfiy_active_connections! every 20-50 times through the loop it will
reap old connections and keep things fairly clean.

hits = 0
while server.accept
hits += 1 do
# do your thang in here that calls AR
ActiveRecord::Base.verify_active_connections! if hits % 30

That seems to work well when allow_concurrency is set to true. But
in your case of needing thousands of sockets open then you may want
to look at an even driven server like EvenMachine on rubyforge.

– Ezra Z.
– Lead Rails Evangelist
[email protected]
– Engine Y., Serious Rails Hosting
– (866) 518-YARD (9273)