I’m farily new to RoR and am having a problem trying to retrieve data
from my database. Here is the code from my controller:
def index
zip = params[“zip”]
@zip1 = Zipcode.find(:first, :conditions => [“zip = ?”, zip])
lat = @zip1.latitude.to_f
long = @zip1.longitude.to_f
radius = 50
@bookstores = Bookstore.find_by_sql ["SELECT * FROM bookstores WHERE
zipcode IN (
FROM zipcodes
WHERE degrees(acos(
sin( radians(zipcodes.latitude) )
- cos( radians(zipcodes.latitude))
- cos( radians(?))
- cos( radians(zipcodes.longitude - ?) )
) ) * 69.09 < ?)", lat, lat, long, radius.to_i]
This is a proximity search by zip code. The problem is on the view which
has this code:
<% for bookstore in @bookstores -%>
<%= h(@bookstore.name) %>
<% end %>
Which results in this error message:
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occured while evaluating nil.name
I know the name exists. The find_by_sql works perfectly but when I add
it here, it blows up on me.
Any ideas?
Thank you so very much.
Chris W. wrote:
<% for bookstore in @bookstores -%>
<%= h(@bookstore.name) %>
<% end %>
Which results in this error message:
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occured while evaluating nil.name
The local variable bookstore has a value. The instance variable
does not. Either…
- Change <% for bookstore… to <% for @bookstore…
- Change
<%=h(@bookstore… to <%=h bookstore…
The variable type/name in the two lines have to match.
Thank you so very much. That did the trick. What a noob question, eh?
Thanks again.
Chris W.
Bill W. wrote:
Chris W. wrote:
<% for bookstore in @bookstores -%>
<%= h(@bookstore.name) %>
<% end %>
Which results in this error message:
You have a nil object when you didn’t expect it!
The error occured while evaluating nil.name
The local variable bookstore has a value. The instance variable
does not. Either…
- Change <% for bookstore… to <% for @bookstore…
- Change
<%=h(@bookstore… to <%=h bookstore…
The variable type/name in the two lines have to match.
Chris W. wrote:
Thank you so very much. That did the trick.
You’re very welcome.
What a noob question, eh?
That’s one of the things the list is for!
Best regards,