Hi All,
in the api for has_many, under the :conditions option we see :
Specify the conditions that the associated objects must meet in
order to
be included as a WHERE SQL fragment, such as price > 5 AND name LIKE
Record creations from the association are scoped if a hash is used.
:conditions => {:published => true}will create published posts with
@blog.posts.create or @blog.posts.build.
however, in the api for has_one under the :conditions option we see :
Specify the conditions that the associated object must meet in order
be included as a WHERE SQL fragment, such as rank = 5.
So, we can’t automatically scope associated has_one records by
like we can has_many. seems to me that the behavior should be the same
both situations.
I have a model with relationships like this
class ThingContainer < AR::Base
has_one :blue_thing, :class_name => “Thing”, :conditions => {:color =>
has_one :red_thing, :class_name => “Thing”, :conditions => {:color =>
class Thing < AR::Base
belongs_to :thing_container
but when I call ThingContainer.build_blue_thing, it does not populate
color attribute. is this by design? or something that was simply left