Activerecord has_many vs. has_one scope

Hi All,

in the api for has_many, under the :conditions option we see :

Specify the conditions that the associated objects must meet in 

order to
be included as a WHERE SQL fragment, such as price > 5 AND name LIKE
Record creations from the association are scoped if a hash is used.
:conditions => {:published => true}will create published posts with
@blog.posts.create or

however, in the api for has_one under the :conditions option we see :

Specify the conditions that the associated object must meet in order 

be included as a WHERE SQL fragment, such as rank = 5.

So, we can’t automatically scope associated has_one records by
like we can has_many. seems to me that the behavior should be the same
both situations.

I have a model with relationships like this

class ThingContainer < AR::Base
has_one :blue_thing, :class_name => “Thing”, :conditions => {:color =>
has_one :red_thing, :class_name => “Thing”, :conditions => {:color =>

class Thing < AR::Base
belongs_to :thing_container

but when I call ThingContainer.build_blue_thing, it does not populate
color attribute. is this by design? or something that was simply left


You appear to be trying to fit has_one into an implementation it
wasn’t designed for. The has_one is supposed to be exactly that:
ThingContainer has_one Thing, but you actually have ThingContainer
has_many :things # well, really one of each of different kinds.

There are likely several ways to handle this situation, but my
instinct is to use named scopes for the color finds and validations to
enforce the one-of-each. Another way would be to use STI to set up
color models that inherit from Thing, with the has_ones from
ThingContainer pointing to each.


This was just fixed on September 28:

–Matt J.

so, will we see this patch applied in 2.3.5?