ActiveRecord :conditions with .attributes

Thanks for any help and suggestions. I’m having troubles with the
following not working. It generates a “miss value for :OCRACR in
OCRACR = :OCRACR…” error.

slct = "OCRACR = :OCRACR and MSG = :MSG and KEYCODE = :KEYCODE and

unq_rows = Entry.find_by_sql(
"select distinct #{flds} from entries "
).each {|e|
o = Entry.find(:all,:conditions => [slct,e.attributes])
puts o.length

When I do “pp e.attributes”, it displays the following hash:

{“OCRACR”=>“O”, “MSG”=>"", “KEYCODE”=>“212260”, “VERSION”=>“01”,

Shouldn’t the find :conditions be ok? The slct string appears
formatted ok. The .attributes hash appears to match the :conditions
string. I’m at a loss for what I am doing incorrectly.

Thanks again,

On Oct 31, 12:54 pm, dkmd_nielsen [email protected] wrote:

o = Entry.find(:all,:conditions => [slct,e.attributes])
formatted ok. The .attributes hash appears to match the :conditions
string. I’m at a loss for what I am doing incorrectly.

Thanks again,

And I’ll follow this up with the following that does function:

unq_rows = Entry.find_by_sql(
"select distinct #{flds} from entries "
).each {|e|
slct = “”
e.attributes.each {|key,value|
slct << "#{key} = ‘#{value}’ and " if key != ‘id’
o = Entry.find(:all,:conditions => slct[0,slct.length-4] )
puts “#{e.KEYCODE} #{o.length}”

I’m sure the error is related to :KEYCODE versus ‘KEYCODE’ in the hash

Let me ask a simpler question: What is the easiest method for getting
the COUNT of rows for each distinct set of column values. In the
above case, I want to get the count of rows for each unique
combination of column values. Is there a simpler sql solution?

Thanks again for any responses,