Hi All,
I have a column type of boolean, and when the value in that column is
set to ‘false’ (eg. 0 for MySQL), it returns nil.
I have tested this in the console, and it doesn’t exhibit this
behavior there, only when running on Mongrel.
I tried wrapping the accessor call to intercept a nil and set it to
false for that attribute, but it doesn’t seem to be working. For
def needs_sound
#ActiveRecord uses method_missing to implement DB accessors, so we
call super
#to make it access the database.
res = super
if res == nil
return false
return res
The debugger says that ‘res’ is nil, but it ignores the conditional
and returns ‘res’ anyway. I have tried the conditional as a
‘res.nil?’, ‘res==nil’, ‘super == nil’.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is occurring for all
boolean attributes when their value is false. Thanks,