ActiveRecord boolean false returning Nil

Hi All,

I have a column type of boolean, and when the value in that column is
set to ‘false’ (eg. 0 for MySQL), it returns nil.

I have tested this in the console, and it doesn’t exhibit this
behavior there, only when running on Mongrel.

I tried wrapping the accessor call to intercept a nil and set it to
false for that attribute, but it doesn’t seem to be working. For

def needs_sound
#ActiveRecord uses method_missing to implement DB accessors, so we
call super
#to make it access the database.
res = super
if res == nil
return false
return res

The debugger says that ‘res’ is nil, but it ignores the conditional
and returns ‘res’ anyway. I have tried the conditional as a
‘res.nil?’, ‘res==nil’, ‘super == nil’.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is occurring for all
boolean attributes when their value is false. Thanks,


Any help would be greatly appreciated. This is occurring for all
boolean attributes when their value is false. Thanks,

That sounds like a feature. An unassigned boolean is indistinguishable
a false, so it’s a nil.

Well-written code never ever says ‘if bool == false’, which is probably
I have never seen a complaint.