ActiveRecord attributes

I was doing the following at the console to figure out why the created
attribute is not working.

I found out the following:

sr = StockReceiving.find :first

=> #<StockReceiving:0x3651ce4 @attributes={“discount”=>“0”,

“created_by”=>“admin”, “purchase_order_id”=>“14”,

“warehouse_id”=>“2”, “id”=>“11”, “modified_by”=>nil, “supplier_id”=>“1”,

d_at"=>“2006-11-11 18:11:17”}>


=> #<StockReceiving:0x3651ce4 @attributes={“discount”=>“0”,

“created_by”=>“admin”, “purchase_order_id”=>“14”,

“warehouse_id”=>“2”, “id”=>“11”, “modified_by”=>nil, “supplier_id”=>“1”,

d_at"=>“2006-11-11 18:11:17”}>


=> {“discount”=>0.0, “modified_at”=>nil, “purchase_order_id”=>14,

“admin”, “supplier_invoice”=>“dfgfdg”, “warehouse_id”=>2, “id”=>11,

"=>nil, “supplier_id”=>1, “created_at”=>nil}

When I show all the attributes of the object, it does not have a
attribute. I would like to know

what’s goin on. Here is the model:

class StockReceiving < ActiveRecord::Base

has_many :details , :class_name => ‘StockReceivingDetail’

def before_create

self.warehouse_id = '2'

self.created_by = 'admin'


def before_update

self.modified_by = 'admin'

self.modified_at =



Thank you in advance.


See Peak Obsession

created_at, created_on, updated_at and updated_on, are handled
automatically by ActiveRecord. Just create them as DATETIME fields.

Rodrigo A. wrote:

See Peak Obsession

created_at, created_on, updated_at and updated_on, are handled
automatically by ActiveRecord. Just create them as DATETIME fields.

Or more specifically, the xxx_at should be DATETIME, the xxx_on should
just be DATE.

On 21 November 2006 18:55, Alan C Francis wrote:

Rodrigo A. wrote:

See Peak Obsession

created_at, created_on, updated_at and updated_on, are handled
automatically by ActiveRecord. Just create them as DATETIME fields.

Or more specifically, the xxx_at should be DATETIME, the xxx_on should
just be DATE.
It’s only a convention. ActiveRecord won’t populate XXX_at or XXX_on
with appropriate values (unless XXX is “created” or “updated”).