I have the following code:
@my_things = MyThing.find(
:select => "ID, CODE",
:conditions => conditions_list)
conditions_list is an array, with the following elements :
[0] code like ? and comp_cas_no like ? and PRODUCT like ‘%R%’ and
(PRODUCT like ? or PRODUCT like ?)
[1] %74%
[2] %98%
[3] %22%
[4] %25%
Now, I’d like to replace “PRODUCT like ?” in conditions_list[0] with
an Oracle Regular Expression, like this :
“REGEXP_LIKE( PRODUCT, ‘R[[:digit| |/]*?’)”
where “?” would be replaced with one of the other values in
conditions_list, just like with the query above. Unfortunately, “?”
will be taken literally here…
I guess one option would be to use MyThing.find_by_sql() and recreate
the SQL query in its entirety, but I’m hoping someone can help me keep