Hello. Would somebody like to answer me on question or give some advice?
In my situation I have to use EAV-model (MySQL database) to deal with
dynamic attributes (for products: color, weight, height and etc.)
Model: Product, Option, Value
So, in this case I have relation: product has many options through
It’s okay, when I modify and print it.
But what is the best solution for search on them?
Because I have to have many inner joins with the same table - values
And each join should have own conditions, for example:
option_alias1.name = 'color' AND values_alias1.value = '100' AND option_alias2.name = 'weight' AND values_alias2.value < '200'
So, I can’t do it by join existing relation many times, because I
got access to aliases. Should I write raw sql queries or there is more
convenient way?
Thank you.