Active record validations by Eshwar


here is my form fields

            <td><%= text_field  :title, :name =>

‘external_link[title][]’ %>

<%= text_field :url, :name => ‘external_link[url]
[]’ %>

<%= link_to_function ‘Add’, “add();” %>

if i click add link there will be added 2 more text fields as above

in the controller iam using like

def create
puts params[:external_link][:title].inspect
params[:external_link][:title].each_with_index do |l, i|
ExternalLink.create!({:title => l, :url => params[:external_link]
[:url][i], :label => params[:label]})
redirect url(:external_links)

in the model i have specified as

validates_presence_of :title, :url

the problem is when i submit the the form with out entering any
details its not checking validation
its giving error like

Validation failed: Title can’t be blank, Url can’t be blank

how can i do that in the controller and model

badly i need a help in this its urgent and imp…

On Oct 15, 8:28 am, cool [email protected] wrote:
g like

in the model i have specified as

validates_presence_of :title, :url

the problem is when i submit the the form with out entering any
details its not checking validation
its giving error like

Validation failed: Title can’t be blank, Url can’t be blank

If you use the ! variants of save, create, update_attributes etc…
then validation failures raise an error instead of returning false.


then what can i use in the controller create method,
can u help me regarding this plzz

On Oct 15, 1:13 pm, Frederick C. [email protected]